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Natural Physics Global Outreach

Natural Physics Global Outreach is the implementation of my outreach methodology, as embodied in Natural Physics, on a global scale.

  • The challenge: To connect people the world over with the benefits that applications from space science and technology can bring to their countries.
  • The solution: A global outreach methodology adaptable to any target group, age range, subject matter, level, country, culture, and language, around the globe.
  • The proof: The National Workshop on Astronomy for Teachers
  • Target Group: Primary and Secondary School Teachers
  • Subject Matter: Astronomy
  • Country: Nigeria

As an education activity in astronomy, this was an initial step in establishing indigenous capabilities in the development and use of space science and technology and its applications as per the goals of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) Programme on Space Applications Basic Space Science Initiative (BSSI).  The Workshop was a collaborative effort between Costa Rica, Nigeria, and the United States, and as such promoted international and regional cooperation which are also among the goals of the BSSI.

UNOOSA website: http://www.unoosa.org

The National Workshop on Astronomy for Teachers follow-up activities consisted of:

  • Guidance and assistance to schools in adding Astronomy to their academic curriculum or as an enrichment program.

  • Providing a 12-week Astronomy curriculum in-line with the Nigerian School System Curriculum.

  • Providing an Astronomy enrichment program in-line with the Nigerian School System Curriculum.

  • Providing educational media resource materials in the form of DVDs, presentations, and video links.